About Us

Mission / Vision

At 3Point Biz, our goal is to help businesses of all sizes and verticals achieve tangible, sustainable growth through holistic strategy, process, and people solutions.

Whether you’re focused on branding, sales, or marketing strategies; internal workflows; or talent and leadership development—our innovative solutions will empower you to operate more effectively and efficiently for long-term profitability.

Our team tackles every engagement with the motto  “The messier the problem, the better!” (Really… we’re excited to get our hands figuratively dirty for you!)

We love taking a deep dive into the convoluted infrastructure challenges that others shy away from—analyzing complex business operations, technical platforms, data analytics, and team dynamics.


Our Process

We believe that achieving sustainable business growth and profitability lies in the alignment of strategy, processes, and people.

  • Discovery Audit: In-depth onboarding and discovery gives us a clear, holistic understanding of where your strategies, operations, and assets are compared against your unique business goals, needs, and industry best practices.
  • Strategic Roadmap: We then develop a comprehensive strategic roadmap with tailored solutions for optimization that is actionable and manageable based on your unique budget, resources, and priorities. 
  • Supplemental Services: If needed, our team can provide supplemental support and guidance for implementation—whether high-level oversight, filling specific resource or capacity gaps, or outsourced implementation in its entirety.

Our Team

Our expert consultants have diverse expertise across business strategy & operations; digital marketing & SEO; IT & web development; talent acquisition & management; and more.

3Point Biz was founded in 2021 by lead consultant, Kelly Waite. 

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