
Personalized, 1:1 coaching for business success.

Small Business IMPACT Coaching

Build an effective, easy-to-follow strategy of next steps to scale your business—in just 90 minutes! Gain the clarity and confidence you need to turn your business idea into a reality, or to navigate challenges and opportunities faced by your current business. Whether your goals are focused on operations, marketing, or sales—or you're not even sure where to start—we can help!

From Passion to Purpose Coaching

Exclusively for fellow members of the Real Talk Kim Inner Circle, we offer coaching to help people of faith find their calling. You may already have a business idea, or perhaps you just feel called to take action... but aren't quite sure how to answer. We'll help you identify strengths and opportunities to turn your passion and potential—into a tangible plan for a business with purpose!


Kelly Waite, Founder & Corporate Development Engineer

Kelly is a serial entrepreneur, RTK mentee, and business consultant specializing in operations, sales, and digital marketing.

Are you here because you want to go from
hoping to actually growing your business? I’ve been there myself, and I’ve helped many clients get out of the same positions!

Overcoming thoughts of inadequacy; uncertainty over where to even start; getting lost in research, data, decisions; or stalling out on sales and direction.

I’d love to help you get unstuck and on the path to scalable business success!”

Ready to discover your path forward?

Reach out to schedule your free consultation today!